APRIL 6, 2024
Get More Customers for your business!!!


Make More Money NOW!!!
April 6, 2024 | Fayetteville, GA

April 5 is VIP DAY!!!!!!

Go From Free to FEE!

Ready to improve your message, marketing and media? 

Learn the 7 Figure Framework that other Coaches DON'T Share! This framework will shift your business. Say good-bye to competition! 
  • Message Media Marketing
  • The Perfect Pitch
  • The Wish 100
  • The Laws of Human Currency

Meet Other Local Businesses & Entrepreneurs

  • Create marketing content on-site
  • Learn how to pitch and MARKET your service
  • Learn how to use A.I
  • Professional Photoshoot
  • Learn how to sell from the stage

Public Speaker Training

  • Business & Word Strategy
  • How to Pitch and Deliver
  • Public Speaking Certification

Pitch Your Service in 15 seconds
Tools & Resources for Speakers

You'll learn how to do this with ease! Nothing beats being a great presenter. Being a great speaker creates opportunities and opens doors. Whether you're an aspiring paid speaker or someone looking to improve, the satisfaction you get when you KNOW you have a command of speaking confidently and clearly is like having a super power. Learning about words and how to speak will help you gain more customers without doing more work or additional headache.
While thinking of your business, ask yourself something. Have you ever shared your story? Do you know how to share it in a way that attracts customers?
Sharing your story and message is vital because it has the power to connect with others on an emotional level, inspire and empower them, challenge societal norms, and drive meaningful change. By sharing your experiences authentically, you provide solace, encouragement, and guidance to others facing similar challenges. Your story becomes a catalyst for social transformation, raising awareness, sparking conversations, and demanding justice. In reclaiming your power and embracing your authenticity, you inspire others to do the same. Your voice and story matter, and they have the potential to create a positive impact in the world.
April 6, 2024 | Fayetteville, GA
Join Me as I help You Tell Your Story & Share Your Message to Attract More Paying Customers

Jane Doe

President and CEO,
Demo Company

John Doe

President and CEO,
Demo Company

John Doe

President and CEO,
Demo Company

John Doe

President and CEO,
Demo Company

John Doe

President and CEO,
Demo Company

John Doe

President and CEO,
Demo Company

John Doe

President and CEO,
Demo Company

John Doe

President and CEO,
Demo Company

Do it NOW!

There is no better person to help you get more customers and make more money than Stan Pearson II. Do this NOW!

Stan Pearson II, MBA

Chief Visionary & Bi-lingual Mentor
April 6, 2024 | Fayetteville, GA

Location: Fayetteville, GA

210 Stonewall Avenue West

Fayetteville, GA 30214

2nd Floor Listen for the Music & Follow the Signs...

Here’s What People Are Saying About The Ultimate Speaker Retreat:

Stan, I really appreciate you for overdelivering at the Ultimate Speaker Retreat!

Drocella Mugorewera
If you were not at the Ultimate Speaker Retreat, you missed out. Stan overdelivered and there is no way I can describe. The table we are building is a force to be reckoned with for sure. I suggest you attend!
Mr. Domino
Stan Pearson absolutely overdelivered at the Ultimate Speaker Retreat! When I say the speakers & information were super solid, I mean it! He overdelivers.

Phillip Edge
If you want to be a better speaker, Stan Pearson is the way to go. I don't just vouch for anyone, but if you're looking for the right person, the Ultimate Speaker Retreat is where it's at.
Theo: The Pivot Coach
If you missed the retreat, you missed out. The way things are explained and expressed are inexplicable. Thank you to Stan and the Retreat! 
You overdelivered!
The retreat is exactly what I needed. I honestly think I stole from Stan and the Ultimate Speaker Retreat, because he overdelivered and could have charged so much more!
Kevin NiBlack

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I attend the Ultimate Speaker Retreat if I'm a new speaker?
Attending the Ultimate Speaker Retreat is an absolute must for new speakers looking to accelerate their growth and success. This transformative event offers a unique opportunity to learn from industry experts, refine presentation skills, and network with like-minded professionals. With a comprehensive curriculum, valuable insights, and a supportive community, the Ultimate Speaker Retreat equips new speakers with the tools, knowledge, and connections they need to thrive in their speaking careers.
Will I learn how to market myself better and attract more customers?
Absolutely! And depending on the registration you select, you'll receive onsite HOT SEAT coaching on your personal strategy.
Is Stan Pearson II a credible person to help you?
Yes! Stan has been speaking and coaching businesses for more than 15 years. Stan has made several million dollars in speaking fees alone speaking. He has consulted companies like Chevron, Pepsi and others on how to build from their individual employees and create deeper engagement. Stan has won awards, spoken at some of the most prestigious institutions and notable companies. He is indeed an industry leader and trailblazer.
Who is the Ultimate Speaker Retreat For? 
The easy and predictable answer is anyone who wants to be a better presenter. This is also for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and local business owners who want more customers!!!!
Would this be good for me if I just want to be a better speaker?
This is perfect for you if you just want to be a better, more confident speaker. Our clients range from executives, to teachers, to doctors and attorneys and tech founders. Many realize being a great speaker is an important skill to have when you want to attract more customers! Speaking is a superpower to getting more customers and Stan will help you ge there!

You Will Become The Go To Person in your industry & Learn how to 
Get Paid to Speak.

Welcome to the gateway to your meteoric rise! Are you ready to step into the limelight, become the talk of the town, and dominate your industry like never before? Look no further, because Stan Pearson II is here to turn your dreams into reality.
Imagine yourself as the go-to person in your field, commanding attention, admiration, and respect wherever you go. Picture yourself stepping onto the stage, captivating audiences with your words, and leaving them hungry for more. With Stan Pearson II as your guide, this vision will become your new reality.

Whether you're a seasoned speaker, a local business owner, or simply someone hungry for success, Stan Pearson II has the expertise, experience, and passion to help you reach the pinnacle of your potential. Through his proven strategies and unparalleled insights, you will learn how to harness the power of your unique voice, cultivate a magnetic personal brand, and skyrocket your influence like never before.

But that's not all. Stan Pearson II doesn't just stop at helping you become a celebrity in your own right. He'll also show you how to monetize your newfound fame, turning your passion into profit and your expertise into endless opportunities. Say goodbye to competing in crowded markets and hello to standing head and shoulders above the rest.

So, are you ready to take the leap and become the go-to authority in your industry? Are you ready to leave your competition in the dust and claim your rightful place in the spotlight? If so, don't wait another moment. 

Join Stan Pearson II and start your journey to celebrity status today. Your audience is waiting, and your time to shine is now.

the ultimate 
speaker retreat

April 6, 2024 | Fayetteville, GA
© Copyright 2024 www.theultimatespeakerretreat.com | All rights reserved